The beginning:

Your start-up began with energy & creativity. You were involved at every point, & your people were like a family. There  was vision & a desire for success.

The challenge of success:

Through hard work, talent and innovation, you are enjoying growing demand for your goods/services. With a growing staff complement and increased complexity you find it difficult to remain on top of everything. You see the need for systems & procedures to enable growth.

The transition:

Many swing at this point to systems, hierarchies, controls etc. The result is a different type of company: the creative, energetic people who thrived in the start-up are put off by the red tape, lack of opportunity to show initiative and the corporate culture that develops. Key talent is lost, and the seeds are sown for decline.

A better transition:

It is possible to preserve / nurture the energy, creativity and experimentation of the start-up, while putting in place enabling systems and procedures that ensure service delivery excellence (without burnout).

You’ve beaten the odds and established a great start-up by focusing on what you do best - your core business.

We help you multiply yourself (your ideals, passion for excellence and entrepreneurial energy) throughout your company - that’s our core business!

We partner SMEs by designing simple, affordable and customised strategic solutions that position you for growth by multiplying the innovative, energetic and exciting culture of your start-up. Here are some of the steps in the process we follow:

Strategy setting:

We take you and your key decision makers through a step-by-step strategy setting process.

The goal: a clear Winning Proposition (how you’ll deliver superior value to targeted customers and achieve maximum returns for shareholders) with 3-5 strategic initiatives to achieve it.

Aligning your organisation with your strategy:

We help you to intentionally align your systems, processes and people to concentrate your scarce resources on the 3-5 things that matter most.

The goal: a simple, clear focus that releases energy and engages employees as strategic partners with the common purpose of seeing the company accelerate towards its Winning Proposition.

Executing the Strategy:

Encouraging experimentation, risk-taking and learning from mistakes, whilst being rigorous in measurement of and accountability for performance.

Using the insights gained in the cycle to hone/adjust strategy and continuously improve your ability to outcompete your rivals.

Legal Compliance:

Due to South Africa’s history, there are unique compliance-related challenges faced by business. We help ensure you achieve compliance in a way that serves (or at least doesn’t undermine) your Winning Proposition, giving you competitive advantage.

We are willing to meet and discuss your needs, so that we can give you an honest assessment of how we can help you, the costs involved etc.. Please contact us for a free assessment by clicking here.



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