


We help you intentionally align your systems, processes and people to concentrate your scarce resources on the 3-5 things that matter most.

Goal: A simple, clear focus that releases energy and engages employees as strategic partners with the common purpose of seeing the company accelerate towards its Winning Proposition.


Our Organisational Alignment process is made up of:

  1. Communication Planning Workshop

  2. Project Management Training for Champions of the Strategic Initiatives agreed.

  3. Aligning HR systems to achieve your strategy

  4. Competency-based HR system for talent management best practices (including Affirmative Action)

  5. Leadership Development

  6. Strengths-based based employee and team development

A half day workshop with key players in company communications (+ a key representative from the executive team).

We help you communicate your Strategy to win hearts and minds, create buy-in and alignment.

Output: An agreed Action plan for communicating the vision simply, effectively, pervasively & regularly.

Click here for more details.

A 1 day workshop for the champions appointed to lead each of the 3-5 Strategic Initiatives identified in the Strategy Setting Session.

Goal: to help the champions to effectively manage the achievement of the initiative as a project.

Click here for more details.


We assess your HR system to ensure that it is aligned with your strategy. We focus in particular on:

  1. Performance management systems (to measure and manage performance so as to achieve your strategic focus).

  2. Recognition and rewards (to reward behaviour that promotes the achievement of your strategy),

  3. Recruitment/promotion (ensuring future leaders have the needed competencies and desire to fulfill your strategy)

  4. Training/Development (developing the skills you need to achieve your strategic focus)

Output: Aligned HR practices and procedures to support and perpetuate the vision.

It is essential that you have the talent needed to execute your strategy. As competition increases for a diminishing pool of key talent, we recommend that you consider implementing a competency-based approach to your HR system to leverage cutting edge talent management practices. We can help you do this affordably through a staged approach, focusing on rain-maker and other key skills initially. We can also help you retain and develop Affirmative Action candidates effectively so that your transformation efforts are linked seamlessly with your strategic focus.

Click here for more details.

Old-style command-and-control management will stifle employee involvement and commitment to achieve your strategic focus. It will also cause you to lose your key talent (research shows that 70% of job-leavers quit because of their boss). Training your managers to lead with a people-engaging, customer-centric approach is thus essential. It is also essential for fostering a culture of continuous improvement and customer-centred service excellence throughout the organisation.

We suggest you start at the top, and cascade the training downward to ensure the best results.

Click here for more details.


It is our conviction that performance, engagement levels and the general well-being of individuals is enhanced by helping them focus on developing their talents and strengths as opposed to improving their weaknesses. Of course, weaknesses need to be managed to avoid them becoming career stallers or stoppers, but when we focus individuals and teams on their strengths, we achieve far better results!

We offer:

  1. Introduction to Strengths Based Leadership Workshops

  2. One-on-One Strengths Coaching

  3. Team Interaction Workshops (How to Combine Your Strengths for Maximum Impact)

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